too hip to capitalize

Saturday, September 06, 2003

I'm Not Dead...But I am Employed
As you read this, I'm somewhere in the greater Seattle-Tacoma area. If you haven't heard by now, I've taken a job with NorthWest Cable News in Seattle. I know I'm a horrible friend for not having called each of you individually and telling you, but things happened very quickly. Deal.

I'm a Cell Out
There's a lot to write about, but first the big news: You might want to repent, kiddos...I bought a cell phone. That means the end of the world is probably near. I'll send out the number soon, but I'll probably end up calling you before then. In the meantime, I'd have some serious talks with the Big Guy.

Billboards and the Idiots Who Write Them
On the long-ass drive from KC to Seattle, I noticed America's highways are dotted with a variety of f-ed up billboards. Two of my favorites:
•One for an auto body shop advertising "Toe Service." (I'm pretty sure the billboard for Columbia's Tokyo Spa advertises the same thing.)
•One advertising "Visitor Information"...complete with the quotes. I'm not sure what separates "Visitor Information" from Visitor Information. Maybe the quotes mean it's code for toe service.

New State Tourism Slogans
Pretty sure J-Dub's done this before, but here's my shot at it.
(Inspired by the drive to WA. All states are not included.)
Iowa: Driving Slower Than The Rest of the Nation
South Dakota: Full of Old People
Wyoming: Who Knew We Had Public Radio?
Montana: Prettier Than The Name Sounds

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