Is This an Elementary School or a Workplace?
There is an apparent mini-outbreak of pink eye at work. Good thing my job provides health insurance in case I catch anything. Oh...wait...that doesn't kick in until Dec. 1st.
And While I'm Blogging About How Much I Love Work...
By the end of this weekend, I'll have produced the following shows during my 2 and a half month employment at NWCN: 6 a.m., 8 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 4 p.m., 6 p.m., weekend 6 a.m., weekend 10 a.m., weekend 6 p.m., weekend midnight.
It's a good thing I chose this job over another offer because it was going to offer me a regular, M-F work schedule instead of weekends and filling in.
A Little More Whining...Just for Fun
Work: Scott, we wanted to give you something extra for coming in on your day off the other day.
Me: Really?
Work: Yeah. You know how you have those two shows you have to produce today?
Me: Yeah...I only have to produce one now?
Work: No. We want to have you help produce today's morning show, too. Oh, and by the way, you don't really get to have writers today, either.