too hip to capitalize

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

It Brought Tears (of Joy) to My Eyes
While walking a few blocks from my apartment today, I looked up and noticed a Chipotle under construction. From zero in the state to one within walking distance! Walking distance!

License to
I don't have a Washington driver's license. I'd been avoiding getting one because I read somewhere that you have to retake the written test, even if you have a license from another state. But the other day, I read online that's not always the case. So today, I called the Department of Licensing to investigate. Below is that phone conversation:

Wicked Witch of the Department of Licensing (heretoforth known as WWotDoL): Department of Licensing
Me: I just moved Washington from another state, and I need to get a new driver's license. Do I have to retake the written test?
WWotDOL: Is it your first Washington state driver's license?
Me: Yes.
WWotDOL: Yes.
Me: Even if I already have a license from another state?
WWotDOL: (in a patronizing tone) Yes, because we have hills in Washington and sometimes even mountains. And we have islands. And school zones here are least from the Midwest. (And she said Midwest very if she knew I grew up there.) And different DUI laws. And most importantly, that way, if you get a ticket, you can't stand up in court and say, 'You're honor, I didn't know the rules of the road.'

At the end, she sorta paused like she wanted applause. Instead, she was met with silence, like in those MTV commercials where the teenagers put all their heart and soul into an impassioned speech only to be stared at blankly.

I'm just wondering, is that speech taped on everybody's cubicle wall at the DOL?

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