Actual Note From My Grandma
Dear Scott,
Now, is this card "a thing of beauty" or not! There is a much used line—"a thing of beauty is a joy forever." But I can't recall from whence it comes! (How do you like that word 'whence'?) I loved English Literature in high school and used to love quoting from Shakespeare and such. Senior year we had a student teacher—a dear boy really—& he hated us and the feeling was mutual and if we saw him on Main Street during lunch hour we would quote from McBeth (how was that spelled—Macbeth probably) "Is this a dagger I see before mine eyes?" He hated us—I still laugh just thinking about it! But that is when I decided not to be a teacher!! Love you My Pioneer Boy!*
*Pioneer Boy is my grandma's new nickname for me. Apparently, no one told her the West was settled a while back...or that my cousin still lives in Alaska.