too hip to capitalize

Thursday, April 15, 2004

The Blog is Back
Apparently, people still read this thing. At least that's what you told me when I visited Columbia. If only I had more to say.

Trip Was Good
Thanks for asking.

•The nephew
•Eating Shakespeare's
•Eating Flatbranch
•Eating Doc's...several times

So...basically...eating. And if you think about the old favorite "hungry enough to eat a baby," really, all the highlights are about eating. Except I would never eat a family member.

Surprisingly, I did not have any of the following: frozen custard, Panera, t-rav.

Have You Seen My Keys?
Tuesday morning, I realized I didn't have my keys. They weren't in my jacket pocket (where I thought I left them.) They weren't in any of my pockets or my suitcase or under the bed or under the couch cushions or at my sister's house or at my grandma's house or in Chrissy's car or in my mom's car or in my dad's care or in my sister's car. They were nowhere. "Shit!" I said...more than once. "I'm halfway across the country and I can't find my apartment or car keys."

I called my apartment building and got the lockout phone number for when I arrived. I called my friend Robin. She said she could pick me up at the airport. I had an extra set of car keys in my apartment. I could get new apartment keys. Still, it was gonna suck.

But don't fear, dear reader, hope had not disappeared. At KCI, mom suggested I see if there was a lost and found. There was...complete with my keys. Then I changed my pants.

I can deal with the fact my brother is almost as tall as I am and my sister is almost a high school senior. I can't deal with the fact that his taste in clothes now matches mine and her taste in music does the same. Seriously....when did he start shopping at the GAP and she start listening to Jet?

I Just Don't Get It
Do people really buy luggage at the airport? Shouldn't you have that before you get there?

Fuck You, Uncle Sam
That's for making me pay.

Fuck You, Miss Ouri
That's for making me pay.

On the Bright Side
I did my taxes all by myself...well, with a little help from Mom. Sure, I didn't fill out the forms until April 14, but I've never been known for getting things done early. A few college papers come to mind. Okay...all of my college papers come to mind.

New Favorite Newsroom Phrase
"There's no crying in news."

I'm So Disappointed in Myself
After totally being sucked in by last week's 2-hour Bachelor premier, I forgot to tape last night's episode while I watched The O.C.. Dammit.

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