Greetings From Florida
Yep. FL. Fla., if you're kickin' it AP style. I'm attending Producer Camp. It's actually the Belo/Hearst-Argyle Producer Academy, but I prefer calling it Producer Camp. It sounds more fun. And really, it feels sorta like camp. We have roommates. We have a strict agenda that we stick to. We can only get somewhere using a hotel shuttle bus or a cab. Meals are at set times. People get catty after less than a week. And older adults are running the thing. No s'mores, though. It actually reminds me a lot of a Key Club district board meeting. (Which none of you ever attended to my knowledge, so that was really a wasted comparison.) Anyway.... highlights include:
-Free trip to Universal Studios
-Make-your-own-waffle machine at the hotel's free breakfast (Woo woo! Mark Twain Dining Hall!)
-Having a bigger suite than the other attendees
-My news director telling me she'll get me my next job at the station where I'd really like my next job to be
-Poynter's Bob Steele and his uncanny resemblance to Stuart Palonsky