too hip to capitalize

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Let the Great Shred-a-Thon Begin
Some of you may know I have a tendency to keep things. Especially papers. For example, if you were in my FIG freshman year, I have your parents' address from that time. Yep, never threw out the original FIG roster. It's just one of the thousands, if not millions, of peices of paper in my filing cabinet or various boxes that i've never unpacked.

Well, that all changes today. I've begun the Great Shred-a-Thon 2004. (Note how it starts about the same time as the Olympics. Coincidence? I think not!) From now until I stop, I will purge my paper possessions with the help of my new paper shredder. Every day, I'll shred a different group of papers until eventually, I'll have reduced my clutter. No more hanging on to pay stubs from high school. No more keeping receipts that are four years old in hopes of really palancing my checkbook one day. Nope. They're all gone.

And you, the blog reader will be able to track my progress each day, right here (an idea i blatantly ripped off from kristin.)

Today: All my old bills from 1334C.

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