too hip to capitalize

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Sometimes, I want to shoot certain people. Then, I remember it's a crime. Then, I try and think if I know anyone in the prosecutor's office who could cut me a deal...

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

I'm glad I'm not here this semester. Apparently, someone thought it would be a good idea to bring in the former news director from a crummy station in Kansas City to help this semester.

Tuesdays bring me joy .

Monday, August 26, 2002

I just realized that my last two posts included comments about people annoying me. I fear that perhaps I've been a little cynical. So now, I will make a positive statement about humanity:

People are so nice and so wonderful. Gee whiz, I'm so fortunate to be me and have met all the fabulous people I've met. I can only imagine that all people are as swell as the fine people I encounter each and every day of my life.

The great thing about college is that you learn new things every day. So, on this, my fourth "first day of the year," I've come to the epiphany that I wouldn't dislike nearly as many people if they'd keep their mouths shut.

My office and the entire first floor of Gillett Residence Hall on the MU campus smell slightly like ass.

Sunday, August 25, 2002

Things that aren't surprising but still suck:

Webmail is down. (That was gratuitous linking on my apologies.)

•Classes start tomorrow.

•The large number of people that annoy me.

Over and out.

Friday, August 23, 2002

Well, I can sleep easier tonight. One of the few good things about this summer will continue.

This post is really just to make me feel better about myself. Now, I won't feel bad for neglecting my blog.

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

It just ocurred to me that perhaps I shouldn't piss off a man with three domain names of his own. Scott6103: The Blog apologizes for any emotional distress the last post might have caused the other Scott Collins.

Neither is this or this . Geez. Apparently this guy does not want to share the Scott Collins love.

This is not me.

Today, I received the best compliment I've received in my entire life. Wanna know what it was? Come closer and I'll whisper it in your ear...*wink wink*

I've been thinking...somebody should create an infomercial channel. No, not to show new infomercials...well, maybe that can be primetime...but to show retro infomercials. Wouldn't that be great? Keep in mind...I've spent a lot of time watching the Columbia Public Schools channel. My definition of great television might differ from yours.

I'm neurotic.

Thanks for wasting your time here at Scott6103: The Blog.

Sunday, August 18, 2002

Add Cinnamon Toast Crunch to that diet.

Sign I need a haircut: When I comb my hair the right way, I have a mullet. Classy.

Saturday, August 17, 2002

My diet over the past 48 hours has consisted mainly of Hot Pockets, alphabet cookies and Apple Dapples. I'm living the good life.

Friday, August 16, 2002

GASP! Voting improprieties related to 1334C Ashland Road's favorite summer hit?!?! By the way, I am a Nikki fan, but neither a computer nerd nor a closet anarchist...well...maybe the closet anarchist...

Thursday, August 15, 2002

All of my friends' blogs are going on hiatus. Mine might as well be. Where's NBC with some hit reality blogs to spice things up?

Wednesday, August 14, 2002

I started my blog on August 10. I have not posted to my blog since August 10. I've told about three people about my blog, one of whom actually cared. Once again, I am a failure.

In other news, I apologize to ResLife for calling Saturday night's meeting a suck-a-thon. However, Scott6103: The Blog makes no apologies for any grammatical errors.

Saturday, August 10, 2002

Tonight, I went to a ResLife meeting. It sucked. It was long and inefficient.

After tonight's ResLife suck-a-thon, I almost went to bed thinking that August 10, 2002 would go down in the books as a relatively crummy one. Fortunately, two things happened:
1) J-dub and I enjoyed a Sonic moment.
2) I got an e-mail from a girl who went on my tour a few weeks ago. It's nice when you realize what you do makes a difference.

Well, I've figured out how to add my e-mail at the end of every post, but I can't quite figure out how to change my name at the end of every post or how the archive system works. We here at Scott6103: The Blog thank you for joining us as we embark on this exciting new adventure and for bearing with us as we work out the kinks.

This entry makes for the third pointless entry posted in a span of 40 minutes. God bless the Internet.

Already I'm confused...

Well, I've finally joined the blogging craze I've been vowing I'd join all summer long. Now, dear reader, I will recap all the exciting things I've done this summer: . End of blog entry.

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