too hip to capitalize

Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Because the Caution Tape and Trash Bags Weren't Tacky Enough...
The debacle that is Tiger Spot is now covered by a tent, too.

I Only Used the Mirror...
But I still feel dirty after being in the Ellis Library mensroom.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Will to Live: Low
Very low.

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Some people shouldn't have access to technology.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Currently in My Fridge
Two half-empty one-gallon jugs of expired milk. Drink up!

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

I'm Not Sure Why You're Still Reading This Thing
But since you are...

Nothing's More Embarassing Than...
Being in a campus computer lab and entering the address for what you think is a TV station's website and arriving at the "Super Sluts" website.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Screw Broadcast
So, I was down with the whole broadcast-news-job-hunt thing...until I got an e-mail telling me bop and Tiger Beat are looking for writers.

Thank you, Missouri Mafia!

On The Other Hand...
I doubt the folks in the bop and Tiger Beat newsrooms make as many jokes about tattoos on asses as were made at KOMU last night.

Saturday, April 12, 2003

Yes, you waited 15 days for that. Suckers.

Well, That Was Sweet of Them
Just in time for post-graduation unemployment, my credit card company has increased my credit limit. Thanks, guys!

And On That Note...
I've officially applied for my first job. Now it's time to just sit back and not get it.

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